Geopolymer: A Biomimetic Material for Biomedical and Biotechnological Applications


is a material that can mimic the structure and function of natural biological materials such as bone, cartilage, shell, coral, and wood. Inorganic polymer is an inorganic polymer that is formed by activating aluminosilicate materials such as fly ash, slag, metakaolin, and rice husk ash with alkaline or acidic solutions.

The expanding building and construction sector is anticipated to fuel the expansion of the Geopolymer Market.

Inorganic polymer has a three-dimensional network of covalent bonds that gives it a high thermal stability, mechanical strength, and chemical resistance. Inorganic polymer can also be modified with various organic or inorganic additives to tailor its properties and performance. Inorganic polymer can be used for various biomedical and biotechnological applications, such as:

Bone tissue engineering: Inorganic polymer can be used as a scaffold for bone tissue regeneration and repair. Inorganic polymer can mimic the composition, structure, and mechanical properties of natural bone. Inorganic polymer can also support the attachment, proliferation, and differentiation of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Geopolymer can also be loaded with growth factors, drugs, or bioactive agents to enhance its osteoinductivity and osteoconductivity.

Dental restoration: Inorganic polymer can be used as a material for dental restoration and implantation. Inorganic polymer can mimic the color, hardness, and wear resistance of natural teeth. Inorganic polymer can also bond well with the tooth enamel and dentin. Inorganic polymer can also prevent bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation on its surface.

Wound healing: Inorganic polymer can be used as a dressing or a patch for wound healing and skin regeneration. Geopolymer can provide a moist and porous environment for wound healing. Inorganic polymer can also release antibacterial or anti-inflammatory agents to prevent infection and inflammation. Inorganic polymer can also promote angiogenesis and collagen synthesis in the wound site.

Biosensing: Inorganic polymer can be used as a platform or a matrix for biosensing and bioanalysis. Inorganic polymer can immobilize various biomolecules such as enzymes, antibodies, DNA, or cells on its surface or within its pores. Inorganic polymer can also transduce various signals such as optical, electrical, magnetic, or thermal signals from the biomolecules to the detection system.

Biocatalysis: Inorganic polymer can be used as a carrier or a support for biocatalysis and biotransformation. Inorganic polymer can immobilize various biocatalysts such as enzymes, cells, or microorganisms on its surface or within its pores. Geopolymer can also protect the biocatalysts from denaturation, deactivation, or leaching. Inorganic polymer can also enhance the mass transfer, reaction rate, and selectivity of the biocatalytic processes.

Therefore, inorganic polymer is a biomimetic material that can offer various advantages for biomedical and biotechnological applications such as biocompatibility, bioactivity, biofunctionality, biosafety, and biodegradability.


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