Overview of Clear Aligners Work, Care and Post Treatment Care

Clear Aligners
Clear Aligners

Clear Aligners are clear trays made of a specific material that are used to correct teeth in the same way that braces are used to straighten teeth. Without the inconveniences of metal wires and brackets, they use moderate and consistent force to shift the teeth into the desired position.


A digital scan is used to create them specifically for each patient. They are created to order for each individual and are designed to shift teeth very slowly in the right direction. This is accomplished by digitally taking the impression and processing the data using sophisticated software, which computes future predictions for better results and straighter teeth, and then the milling machine custom fabricates the trays for you. On average, a person needs 25-40 sets to achieve perfect alignment.

The Clear Aligners have one advantage: they are extremely tightly fitting, and as a result, they become virtually a part of the body over time, causing no speech issues. There are no restrictions on what you can eat or drink because you'll be removing them before each meal.


Even though aligners are the most comfortable alternative, there are a few things to keep in mind while using them. Your orthodontist will offer you a set of instructions to follow, such as the ones listed below:
  • For the best results, you should wear the aligners for at least 20 hours per day.
  • Brushing, flossing, and eating should all be done without your aligners. Never wear it while eating or drinking anything hot.
  • Maintain the cleanliness of your Clear Aligners. Brush your aligners in the same manner that you brush your teeth.
  • Keep them in the box provided by your Orthodontist to avoid getting them dirty.


  • A retainer helps you keep your grin – Just because you've had your teeth straightened doesn't mean they'll stay that way. Your orthodontist may recommend retainers to prevent your teeth from shifting back to their original position.
  • Take good care of your eating habits - It's possible that your teeth will be sensitive following the treatment; consequently, it's best to avoid eating anything crunchy for a few days. Allow your smile to rest before returning to your crunchy munchy food.
  • Remember to wash your teeth – Brush twice a day and floss once a day to keep your teeth clean and healthy. If you do not maintain adequate oral hygiene, the treatment will be delayed.
  • Don't forget to brush – Brushing twice a day and flossing once a day will help to keep your teeth clean and healthy. If you don't take care of your oral hygiene, the treatment will be in vain.
  • Visit your dentist - Just because you've finished your treatment and have that gorgeous smile you've always wanted doesn't mean you won't need to see your dentist again. To guarantee that this smile remains maintained, see a dentist every six months.


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